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Data & Photo Submission Form

Some fields are required and some are not, but the added information will be very valuable to us. Once you have filled in the location and habitat data, you can begin to upload photos (or indicate that you searched but found no ladybugs). You will be able to upload up to 2 photos each of 5 ladybugs at once, with a 7MB total page limit and a 2MB individual photo size limit. Then you will have the option to continue uploading photos of more ladybugs with the same collection information, or go back to change some data (date, time of day, host plant, for example).

If you have any difficulties with this form, please write us at ladybug@cornell.edu. We greatly appreciate your care in this process!

LADYBUG SPOTTERS:  Please fill out the form below...

Ladybug Photo Upload Form - Page 1 of 2

* required fields

Spotter Information:

We will not display your email without your permission.

Ladybug Found In:

Collection Date / Host Plant:

This field is optional.


Plant or surface where the ladybug was found.

Additional information: (very helpful, but not required)

Separated by commas, and will not be publicy displayed.

For more general comments or questions, email ladybug@cornell.edu


Must be someone over the age of 13 yrs old.

Must be someone over the age of 13 yrs old.

Did You Find and Photograph Ladybugs?