Favorite Lost Ladybug Links
Educational Links
Sweepnet Safari Some excellent material from the University of Minnesota on how to run a “sweepnet safari” as a school or group activity (activity 3 - others look interesting too!).
Entomology projects The home page for the New York State entomology program has materials for several great entomology projects.
Lighting the Way: Fireflies Comprehensive, creative and fun! In depth study of fireflies you can do on your own or in a group.
Other Citizen Science Projects
Science for Citizens - project finder!
BAMONA (Butterflies and Moths of North America)
Adventures in Climate Change (home)
Interviews with Rebecca Rice Smyth
Interactive: Found Ladybug 3-D Globe
Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel interview with John Losey
Discovery Channel Lost Ladybug Puzzles
Fun Places to go:
Insect Conservation Biology In addition to being the course website for Insect Conservation Biology at Cornell the site also contains fact sheets on many rare and endangered species and links to other sources on insect biodiversity and conservation.
Xerces Society Interested in joining the effort to save insects and other invertebrates? Please contact (and join!) the Xerces Society.
Everything Ladybug.com Find the fantastic video of a ladybug in flight, and much more
Cool Bug Stuff a place to get free bug information, insect lore, and cool bug stuff including bug catchers, bug houses, magnifying lenses, and ladybug books and habitats
Ladybug Pacman This game is an ingenious variation on the old favorite “pacman” where you get to be a ladybug and try to consume the aphids you need to survive before other predators consume you!
Mostly Photos
Lost Ladybugs at Lime Hollow Center for Environment & Culture, Central New York, Winter 2009
Precious Ladies by Julia Varriano